martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Viaje a Espana / Trip to Spain

Nuestro Papi (el padre de Jose Carlos) en enero se puso malo e ingreso al hospital y desde entonces esta ahi con pancreatitis. Al principio no daban con el problema y cada vez encontraban otra cosa. Antes de la semana santa decian los medicos que le iban a operar pero no se sabia el resultado. Asi que decidimos ir a verlo para estar con el por si acaso que saldria algo mal. Jose Carlos se paso casi toda la semana en el hospital y aprovecho tambien hacer contactos para su empresa, asi que lo vimos poco pero pudimos disfrutar un poquito con los amigos y la familia ya que estabamos ahi. Os queremos un monton y os echamos muuucho de menos!

Our Papi (Jose's dad) got really bad in January and had to go in the hospital and he's there since then suffering from pancreatitis. In the beginning they didn't really know what it was, and they kept finding other things. So, just before the Easter-week the doctors said they wanted to operate on him but didn't know what the result would be. So then we decided to go see him and spend time there in case something goes wrong. Jose was almost the whole week in the hospital and did some contacts for his work too, so we didn't see him very much but we could enjoy with friends and family since we were there already. We love you aloot and miss you!!

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