jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Peinados / Hairdos

Ultimamente he encontrado un monton de blogs con peinados chulisimas para mis chicas y estoy locamente cada noche buscando que hacer el dia siguiente!! Me encanta! Asi que aqui algunos intentos, algunos ha quedado mejores que otros, pero no soy profesional.

Lately I found some blogs to do really cool hairdos for my girls and I'm every night looking for new ones to do the next day! This is great! So here you have some pics, some better than others, but I'm learning!

2 comentarios:

Nicole dijo...

so fun!!! I'm still waiting for our girls to have hair!! but, watch out when it does happen!! I'll probably spend way too much time getting their hair done each day! :) super cute girls with super cute hair! does it get any better? nope.

dunski dijo...

Happy belated birthday cool Sonja! My girl hates it having her hair done... I can be grateful, when I can do a ponytail...