Bueno, por fin parece que lo hemos logrado! Despues de mucho intentar y unas perdidas, vamos a tener otro miembro en la familia! Este va a ser otro bebe de verano, nacera para mitades de Agosto y por sentimientos queremos que sea niño. Ademas es lo raro, que con las chicas siempre me venian ideas de nombres de chica y no podiamos elegir un nombre de chico. Y ahora es al revers, todo lo que me viene a la mente son nombres de niño. No se si eso tiene que ver algo, asi que ya veremos lo que va a ser.
Pero estamos ilusionados! Lorena y Nerea ya estan diciendo lo que van a ayudar de cambiarlo y bañarlo y enseñarle a andar, etc! Estan para comerselos! Le ponen musica a la barriga, le dan besitos, para que crezca sano y fuerte!
Well, it seems that we finally made it! After a lot of trying and a few losses, we are going to have another member in the family! This one is a summer-baby too, it will be born in the middle of August and we feel like it's going to be a boy. The funny thing is, that with the girls I could only think of names for girls y we couldn't decide on a boy's name. And now it's just the opposite, the only name I can think of is boy's names. I don't know if that makes sense, so we'll see what it will be.
But we are excited! Lorena and Nerea are already saying, that they're going to help with the changing and the bathing and teaching him to walk, etc! They're so cute! And then they come and put some music for the baby and give kisses on the tummy, so it will grow and be strong enough to come out!
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