Se que no hemos puesto nada en mucho tiempo, pero ahora me tengo que poner las pilas otra vez. Nerea ya cumplio 3 años y queria una fiesta de Little Einsteins. Asi que nos lo curramos y al final salio bastante bien. Venian muchos amiguitos y el suelo al final estaba cubierto de juguetes y niños.
Gracias Nerea por estar en nuestra vida y ser tan alegre que siempre nos haces reir, aunque estas enfadada!
I know we haven't been very good lately in updating this blog, but I want to start again. Nerea turned 3 the other day and wanted a Little Einsteins party (which is pretty hard over here I found out, because in the stores they don't have a lot of things). But we crafted up a few things and in the end it turned out pretty good I think. A lot of friends came and in the end the floor was filled with presents of new toys and kids.
Thank you Nerea for being in our family and for being you, always making laugh, although you're mad!
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