martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Excursion con los ponies / Ward-outing with ponies

Como una chica del barrio tiene dos ponies y los tiene en un establo en medio del bosque verde precioso que hay alrededor de Viena, nos invito a pasear con ella. El tiempo estaba medio que pero pasamos un buen rato y los ninos ni te digo. Disfrutaron mucho turnandose subir a los ponies o correr por todas partes. Jose Carlos lo paso bien tambien, hasta el momento que le dije que habian garrabatas aqui que mordian a los humanos y hay que ponerse proteccion (normalmente hay que vacunarse, pero no lo hemos hecho todavia), entonces ya no le gusto tanto. Pero bueno, pocas veces pasa que te muerden. :)

One of the girls in our ward has 2 ponies and her stable is in the middle of the forest around Viena, and so she invited us to ride with her for an afternoon. The wheather was a bit funny, but it was ok and the kids had a good time anyway. They had fun taking turns riding on the ponies and running around. Jose had a good time too, until I told him that there were ticks that bit people (and not just animals) and that we should put on some protection (normally you would get vaccinated, but we didn't do it yet). Then he didn't like it that much anymore! :) But oh well, it doesn't happen that often.

Salida 1 de mayo / Outing 1st of May

El primer de mayo decidimos salir un poquito y mientras en casa estaba lloviendo, nos escapamos a pasar el dia al rio Danubio que fue precioso. Aunque nuestros amigos Miguel y Rachel se equivocaban en el camino un poquito, al final si que saliamos donde queriamos y paseamos por una ciudad pequenita preciosa. Valio la pena ir.

On the first of May we decided to go out and while it was raining at home, we escaped to spend the day on the Danube-riverside which was beautiful. Although Miguel and Rachel took us a bit the wrong way, in the end we found a beautiful little town to go for a walk. It was definitely worth the while.

Viaje a Espana / Trip to Spain

Nuestro Papi (el padre de Jose Carlos) en enero se puso malo e ingreso al hospital y desde entonces esta ahi con pancreatitis. Al principio no daban con el problema y cada vez encontraban otra cosa. Antes de la semana santa decian los medicos que le iban a operar pero no se sabia el resultado. Asi que decidimos ir a verlo para estar con el por si acaso que saldria algo mal. Jose Carlos se paso casi toda la semana en el hospital y aprovecho tambien hacer contactos para su empresa, asi que lo vimos poco pero pudimos disfrutar un poquito con los amigos y la familia ya que estabamos ahi. Os queremos un monton y os echamos muuucho de menos!

Our Papi (Jose's dad) got really bad in January and had to go in the hospital and he's there since then suffering from pancreatitis. In the beginning they didn't really know what it was, and they kept finding other things. So, just before the Easter-week the doctors said they wanted to operate on him but didn't know what the result would be. So then we decided to go see him and spend time there in case something goes wrong. Jose was almost the whole week in the hospital and did some contacts for his work too, so we didn't see him very much but we could enjoy with friends and family since we were there already. We love you aloot and miss you!!

Tambien nos fuimos a un baile formal que hay aqui muchos en enero y febrero. Nosotros fuimos al que organizo el instituto de mi sobrina. Lo pasamos muy bien, pero se noto tambien que fue muy adrentro del campo, porque al final ya solo pusieron musica de yodelehi-hohu, si sabeis lo que quiero decir! :)) Pero fue una salida sin ninas que hace falta tambien a veces.

Also we went to a formal dance, which they have a lot in January and February. We went to the one mi nieces' school organized. We had a good time, towards the end you could tell that we were deep in the countryside, because they were playing more and more of the yodelli-songs, if you know what I mean. :)) But it was an evening without kids, which is good once in a while too.


Me ha dado cuenta ahora mismo que no he puesto nada del carnaval, asi que pondre nuestras preciosidades por lo menos un poquito. Teniamos una fiesta en la capilla y se han elegido ellas los disfrazes.

I just realized that I didn't put anything for carneval, so here are at least a few of the pictures. We had a party in the ward and they chose their costumes on their own.