martes, 23 de marzo de 2010


Hoy en coger algo de la estanteria encima del sofa, se cayeron unas cosas encima de Nerea y de repente estaba llorando y salio mucha sangre. Cuando se acababa la sange era solo un agujerito pequenito, pero el susto nos llevamos igual. Ahora lleva una tirita muy grande, como si se hubiera abierto la frente entera. Asi que me parece que con esta hija vamos a pasar alguna mas de esas. (aunque esta vez no ha sido su culpa, solo que hay muy poco espacio aqui y esta todo encima).

Today in getting something off the shelf above the couch, some fell down and Nerea was sitting right underneath. So all of the sudden she was crying and blood was flowing. When we finally got it controlled, it was only a little hole, but we were scared anyway. So now she has this big plaster across her forehead, like she had everything open. I think this won't be the last time Nerea gets hurt (although this wasn't her fault, just that living in this little space, everything is on top).

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Nuestros talentos de musica / Our music talents

A nuestras chicas les encanta cantar. Siempre estan cantando algo. Alguna vez se ponen encima de una mesa y se ponen a cantar a todo volumen o a dirigir la musica en la noche hogar. El domingo tenia Que cantar una cancion Lorena en la primaria y lo he grabado porque lo ha hecho tan bien. Se ha confundido un poco con la letra, pero no le ha dado verguenza ni nada a cantar en frente de la gente (aunque tampoco se puede decir que tenemos una primaria grande). Y Nerea queria seguirla tambien, claro. Asi que aqui esta.

Our girls love to sing, they're always singing something. Sometimes they put themselve on top of a chair and sing really loud or direct the music that is playing. This Sunday Lorena was asked to sing a song in Primary and I recorded it because she did a great job. She got a big confused with the words but she was embarrassed or anything to sing in front of people (although we don't really have a big primary either). Nerea had to follow too of course. So here it is.

Peinados / Hairdos

Ultimamente he encontrado un monton de blogs con peinados chulisimas para mis chicas y estoy locamente cada noche buscando que hacer el dia siguiente!! Me encanta! Asi que aqui algunos intentos, algunos ha quedado mejores que otros, pero no soy profesional.

Lately I found some blogs to do really cool hairdos for my girls and I'm every night looking for new ones to do the next day! This is great! So here you have some pics, some better than others, but I'm learning!