miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Cumple Nerea / Nerea's birthday

Se que no hemos puesto nada en mucho tiempo, pero ahora me tengo que poner las pilas otra vez. Nerea ya cumplio 3 años y queria una fiesta de Little Einsteins. Asi que nos lo curramos y al final salio bastante bien. Venian muchos amiguitos y el suelo al final estaba cubierto de juguetes y niños.
Gracias Nerea por estar en nuestra vida y ser tan alegre que siempre nos haces reir, aunque estas enfadada!

I know we haven't been very good lately in updating this blog, but I want to start again. Nerea turned 3 the other day and wanted a Little Einsteins party (which is pretty hard over here I found out, because in the stores they don't have a lot of things). But we crafted up a few things and in the end it turned out pretty good I think. A lot of friends came and in the end the floor was filled with presents of new toys and kids.
Thank you Nerea for being in our family and for being you, always making laugh, although you're mad!

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Excursion con los ponies / Ward-outing with ponies

Como una chica del barrio tiene dos ponies y los tiene en un establo en medio del bosque verde precioso que hay alrededor de Viena, nos invito a pasear con ella. El tiempo estaba medio que pero pasamos un buen rato y los ninos ni te digo. Disfrutaron mucho turnandose subir a los ponies o correr por todas partes. Jose Carlos lo paso bien tambien, hasta el momento que le dije que habian garrabatas aqui que mordian a los humanos y hay que ponerse proteccion (normalmente hay que vacunarse, pero no lo hemos hecho todavia), entonces ya no le gusto tanto. Pero bueno, pocas veces pasa que te muerden. :)

One of the girls in our ward has 2 ponies and her stable is in the middle of the forest around Viena, and so she invited us to ride with her for an afternoon. The wheather was a bit funny, but it was ok and the kids had a good time anyway. They had fun taking turns riding on the ponies and running around. Jose had a good time too, until I told him that there were ticks that bit people (and not just animals) and that we should put on some protection (normally you would get vaccinated, but we didn't do it yet). Then he didn't like it that much anymore! :) But oh well, it doesn't happen that often.

Salida 1 de mayo / Outing 1st of May

El primer de mayo decidimos salir un poquito y mientras en casa estaba lloviendo, nos escapamos a pasar el dia al rio Danubio que fue precioso. Aunque nuestros amigos Miguel y Rachel se equivocaban en el camino un poquito, al final si que saliamos donde queriamos y paseamos por una ciudad pequenita preciosa. Valio la pena ir.

On the first of May we decided to go out and while it was raining at home, we escaped to spend the day on the Danube-riverside which was beautiful. Although Miguel and Rachel took us a bit the wrong way, in the end we found a beautiful little town to go for a walk. It was definitely worth the while.

Viaje a Espana / Trip to Spain

Nuestro Papi (el padre de Jose Carlos) en enero se puso malo e ingreso al hospital y desde entonces esta ahi con pancreatitis. Al principio no daban con el problema y cada vez encontraban otra cosa. Antes de la semana santa decian los medicos que le iban a operar pero no se sabia el resultado. Asi que decidimos ir a verlo para estar con el por si acaso que saldria algo mal. Jose Carlos se paso casi toda la semana en el hospital y aprovecho tambien hacer contactos para su empresa, asi que lo vimos poco pero pudimos disfrutar un poquito con los amigos y la familia ya que estabamos ahi. Os queremos un monton y os echamos muuucho de menos!

Our Papi (Jose's dad) got really bad in January and had to go in the hospital and he's there since then suffering from pancreatitis. In the beginning they didn't really know what it was, and they kept finding other things. So, just before the Easter-week the doctors said they wanted to operate on him but didn't know what the result would be. So then we decided to go see him and spend time there in case something goes wrong. Jose was almost the whole week in the hospital and did some contacts for his work too, so we didn't see him very much but we could enjoy with friends and family since we were there already. We love you aloot and miss you!!

Tambien nos fuimos a un baile formal que hay aqui muchos en enero y febrero. Nosotros fuimos al que organizo el instituto de mi sobrina. Lo pasamos muy bien, pero se noto tambien que fue muy adrentro del campo, porque al final ya solo pusieron musica de yodelehi-hohu, si sabeis lo que quiero decir! :)) Pero fue una salida sin ninas que hace falta tambien a veces.

Also we went to a formal dance, which they have a lot in January and February. We went to the one mi nieces' school organized. We had a good time, towards the end you could tell that we were deep in the countryside, because they were playing more and more of the yodelli-songs, if you know what I mean. :)) But it was an evening without kids, which is good once in a while too.


Me ha dado cuenta ahora mismo que no he puesto nada del carnaval, asi que pondre nuestras preciosidades por lo menos un poquito. Teniamos una fiesta en la capilla y se han elegido ellas los disfrazes.

I just realized that I didn't put anything for carneval, so here are at least a few of the pictures. We had a party in the ward and they chose their costumes on their own.

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010


Hoy en coger algo de la estanteria encima del sofa, se cayeron unas cosas encima de Nerea y de repente estaba llorando y salio mucha sangre. Cuando se acababa la sange era solo un agujerito pequenito, pero el susto nos llevamos igual. Ahora lleva una tirita muy grande, como si se hubiera abierto la frente entera. Asi que me parece que con esta hija vamos a pasar alguna mas de esas. (aunque esta vez no ha sido su culpa, solo que hay muy poco espacio aqui y esta todo encima).

Today in getting something off the shelf above the couch, some fell down and Nerea was sitting right underneath. So all of the sudden she was crying and blood was flowing. When we finally got it controlled, it was only a little hole, but we were scared anyway. So now she has this big plaster across her forehead, like she had everything open. I think this won't be the last time Nerea gets hurt (although this wasn't her fault, just that living in this little space, everything is on top).

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Nuestros talentos de musica / Our music talents

A nuestras chicas les encanta cantar. Siempre estan cantando algo. Alguna vez se ponen encima de una mesa y se ponen a cantar a todo volumen o a dirigir la musica en la noche hogar. El domingo tenia Que cantar una cancion Lorena en la primaria y lo he grabado porque lo ha hecho tan bien. Se ha confundido un poco con la letra, pero no le ha dado verguenza ni nada a cantar en frente de la gente (aunque tampoco se puede decir que tenemos una primaria grande). Y Nerea queria seguirla tambien, claro. Asi que aqui esta.

Our girls love to sing, they're always singing something. Sometimes they put themselve on top of a chair and sing really loud or direct the music that is playing. This Sunday Lorena was asked to sing a song in Primary and I recorded it because she did a great job. She got a big confused with the words but she was embarrassed or anything to sing in front of people (although we don't really have a big primary either). Nerea had to follow too of course. So here it is.

Peinados / Hairdos

Ultimamente he encontrado un monton de blogs con peinados chulisimas para mis chicas y estoy locamente cada noche buscando que hacer el dia siguiente!! Me encanta! Asi que aqui algunos intentos, algunos ha quedado mejores que otros, pero no soy profesional.

Lately I found some blogs to do really cool hairdos for my girls and I'm every night looking for new ones to do the next day! This is great! So here you have some pics, some better than others, but I'm learning!

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

La vida diaria / daily life

Pues otra vez toca ya poneros al corriente con nuestra vida.
No pensaba que nos/me costaria tanto en acostumbrarnos a la vida en Austria. Añoramos mucho la familia y los amigos, pues la vida social que teniamos en España. Eran 10 años muy felices de nuestra vida. Y sé que no ha acabado nuestra "mision" en España, asi que ya podeis haceros la idea que volvamos, si os guste o no! :))
Bueno, pues poco a poco estamos acostumbrandonos y haciendo nuevos amigos o recuperamos antiguas amistades. La verdad que todos se toman mucha molestia a que nos quedemos, y nos ayudan en lo que pueden! Gracias a todos!
Como ya sabeis Jose Carlos esta trabajando desde enero, y le va muy bien. Estan contentos con el y esta haciendo muchos amigos. La propietaria de la empresa hasta nos ha invitado a ir con ella a un concierto en abril con ella.
Lorena va a la guarderia y le gusta mucho, parece ya todo mayor. Todavia estraña mucho a sus primos y amigos, y no entiende mucho que tiene que esperar al verano para ir a verles. En julio vamos a España para la boda de nuestra sobrina y estamos ansiosos de ver a todos otra vez!!
Nerea va creciendo muy rapido tambien y habla muchisimo ya. Es una Piñol acabada, hasta tienes ese pito, siempre gritando! :)) Es muy dificil reñirla porque te mira con esos ojos marrones redondos y cuesta mucho quedarte serio.
Ademas estamos encantados con nuestra "Oma y Opa" (abuelos), mis padres, que nos apoyen muchisimo. GRACIAS!

Once again it's time to let you catch up with our lives.
I did not think that it would cost us/me so much to get used to life in Austria. We miss our family and friends a lot, the social life we had in Spain. They were very happy 10 years of our lives. And I know our "mission" in Spain is not yet over, so you can make the idea that we come back, if you like it or not! :))
Well, we are slowly getting used to life here and are making new friends or recovering old ones. The truth is that everyone took alot of trouble for us to stay and help us as they can! Thanks everyone!
As you know Jose Carlos is working since January and is doing very well. They are happy with him and making a lot of friends. The owner of the company even invited us to go with her to a concert in April.
Lorena goes to Kindergarden and loves it, and she seems all grown-up. She still misses her cousins and friends alot doesn't understand much that she has to wait until summer to go to see them. We're going to Spain in July for the wedding of our niece and we are anxious to see everyone again! Nerea is also growing very fast and talks a lot now. She's a Piñol totally, she has that shouting voice! :)) It is very difficult when you scold her and she looks at you with those big brown eyes and it's hard to stay serious.
We are delighted as well with our "Oma and Opa" (grandparents), my parents, who support us soo much. THANKS!